Herbivore For Breakfast and Drinks!

Hello Viewer! Ok, so first off let me just catch you all up on current events of my life, because this is a blog right? So I can write about my life here too! Alright so I just got back a couple days ago from my week break from school between semesters. It was great! … Continue reading

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My Food Travel + Cafe Gratitude + SouleyVegan

Hello and welcome back viewer! Ok so before I get to the food part of this post, I’d like to recommend a band to you all. Currently I am listening to Gold on the Ceiling by The Black Keys. I would suggest checking out and giving the band a listen before you continue on to the … Continue reading

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My Food Travel’s + Scream Sorbet + Share

Hello fellow viewer! I want to welcome you back to these continuing post of My Food Travel’s! Now this post might start off a little different. I want to address the Share button on Facebook. Now I bring up the Share button because what i’m doing here on my blog is sharing other people, restaurants, … Continue reading

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My Food Travel’s + Herbivore

Hello fellow viewer! I’m excited you’re here to read/see these upcoming post, because I have to tell you, the past week and a half of mine has been so much fun! For the people who don’t know where I was, I went back up to the San Francisco’s East Bay Area to photograph vegan restaurants … Continue reading

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Places You’ve Been To, But Haven’t Seen

Good morning! or afternoon, or possibly evening, or if you are a night owl… good night; sleep is good. Either way welcome back viewer. Once again these blogs keep getting posted later and later and I am sorry about that, thanks internet. Don’t worry I haven’t lost hope for blogging, in fact I find it … Continue reading

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